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We offer online advertising options for job openings, upcoming courses, and other products and services catered to professionals in the holistic health industry. If you are a member, you automatically get lower pricing on your advertisements!
Advertising with us gives you:
a course/event or job/supplies posting on our website for your choice of one to six months
free logo/image placement with your posting
further promotion of the jobs and courses pages through links in the NHPC email newsletter, sent to over 6,000 members twice a month
regular features of the jobs and courses pages through posts on our social media, which reaches over 20,000 followers across platforms
prominent links on our homepage
access to an average of 7,000 monthly website users
creative control over your content submission, noting the NHPC Advertising Policy
See our advertising tip sheet (PDF) to get the most out of advertising with the NHPC.
Advertisement Policy
All ads are reviewed by NHPC staff on a case-by-case basis to ensure they do not:
contain inappropriate content or links to inappropriate content
In addition, the NHPC does not advertise on behalf of competitors. If a submitted ad has any content from a competitor or links to a competitor's website or an affiliated website, it will be rejected.
NHPC staff do not post or edit ads on behalf of the advertiser, and they do not provide copyediting services when reviewing ads. It is the responsibility of the advertiser to check spelling and grammar before submitting their advertisement.
If advertisers make an error in their submission, they may edit the posting themselves through their website account. If an edit is submitted, the ad is temporarily removed from the website until NHPC staff can review it, usually within two business days. The advertiser will not be reimbursed for any time that their ad is temporarily removed due to an edit.
If the advertiser does not submit their own logo or image to use with the advertisement, NHPC staff will include a standard placeholder image with the ad.
After submitting an ad through the online form, advertisers will receive two automated confirmation emails from NHPC: one after the ad is submitted successfully, and a second once it has been approved by staff.
Approved ads are posted within two business days of submission. Ads will be posted until whichever comes first: the end of the paid period or a scheduled course's start date.
Advertiser Limitations
The advertiser and NHPC are not in partnership with each other. The advertiser must not falsely present their relationship with the NHPC on any channel (email, social media, their own websites, or otherwise) by claiming they are in partnership with the NHPC.
The advertiser cannot use or recreate the NHPC logo without express permission of the NHPC.