Benefits and Safety of Reiki

Reiki can have benefits for both pain and stress-related symptoms, and it is considered a safe practice for most people.

Research has indicated that reiki can reduce pain associated with cancer and that it has a positive impact on pain management.1 It was also shown to improve depression, anxiety and stress symptoms.2

Two systematic reviews noted no adverse effects were reported in their studies on reiki, indicating it is considered a safe practice overall.3 However, it was recommended to use caution when working with people experiencing psychiatric conditions.4

Fact Sheet

Benefits and Safety of Reiki (PDF)


  1. Avci, and M. Gün, "The Effect of Reiki on Pain Applied to Patients With Cancer: A Systematic Review," Holistic Nursing Practice (2023), 37(5), 268–276,; G. A. R. Ferraz, M. R. K. Rodrigues, S. A. M. Lima, M. A. F. Lima, G. L. Maia, C. A. Pilan, Neto, M. S. Omodei, A. C. Molina, R. El Dib, and M. V. C. Rudge, "Is reiki or prayer effective in relieving pain during hospitalization for cesarean? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials," Sao Paulo Medical Journal / Revista paulista de medicina (2017), 135(2), 123–132,; S. Thrane, and S. M. Cohen, "Effect of Reiki therapy on pain and anxiety in adults: an in-depth literature review of randomized trials with effect size calculations," Pain Management Nursing : Official Journal of the American Society of Pain Management Nurses (2014), 15(4), 897–908,
  2. A. P. Morero, S. S. Pereira, R. B. Esteves, and L. Cardoso, "Effects of Reiki on Mental Health Care: A Systematic Review," Holistic Nursing Practice (2021), 35(4), 191–198,; Thrane and Cohen, "Effect of Reiki therapy."
  3. Avci and Gün, "Patients With Cancer"; M. S. Lee, M. H. Pittler, and E. Ernst, "Effects of Reiki in clinical practice: a systematic review of randomised clinical trials," International Journal of Clinical Practice (2008), 62(6), 947–954,
  4. Lee, Pittler, and Ernst, "Effects of Reiki."